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Pure Spirulina Tablets

Spirulina is one of the oldest and simplest organisms on earth. It’s been around for billions or years providing sustenance for more complex life forms. The earliest known humans to use spirulina as a food source were the Kanem people in Chad and the Aztecs in Mexico – using it more as a cooking ingredient rather than as a supplement. Today, more and more people all over the word are rediscovering the health benefits of spirulina and its remarkable nutrition value.

Spirulina is packed with nutrition. It’s one of the three superfoods we carry that can sustain all the human body’s dietary needs with just itself and water (the other two being chia seeds and chlorella). It has protein, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and everything else you need to stay alive. It can ward off and eliminate many health conditions resulting from malnutrition.

Health benefits

  • Chlorophyll and Phycocyanin
    • Chlorophyll is what makes plants green. It is to plants what the blood is to animals. Its energy from the sun turned into green juice.
    • The curious thing about chlorophyll is what it does to the blood. Among many things, it makes the blood alkaline and rich in oxygen. This effect asphyxiates cancer cells which feed on an acidic and low oxygen environment. This is the reason spirulina is one of the most recommended superfoods by naturopathic doctors for cancer patients.
    • Aside from the chlorophyll, up to 18% of spirulina’s weight is made of a bile pigment called phycocyanin, dubbed “The Wonder Molecule”. It aids in the rapid metabolism of protein, starches, and fats. It also triggers the production of stem cells which basically can turn into any kind of cell that your body needs for continuous development and repair.
    • Spirulina contains about 300% more chlorophyll than most land plants – and about 400% more phycocyanin than most foods from both animal and plant sources.
  • For skin care
    • Spirulina has SGF (spirulina growth factor) and Chlorella has CGF (chlorella growth factor). Both of these simply refer to their ability to regenerate and multiply very quickly. When either of these superfoods is integrated into our diet, our cells take on the same feature to some extent – resulting in faster recovery after working out, faster healing if you are sick, and faster growth if you’re growing up.
    • Because of SGF and CGF, spirulina and chlorella are used by some to create a face mask for their restorative effects on the skin.
    • Test on a small area of your skin first for sensitivity before using it on your face.

Roarganics advantage

  • It’s the more economical choice for regular users than getting it in sachets which usually come with flavoring and other unnecessary ingredients. With Roarganics, you can enjoy its natural maximum potency because our spirulina is pure.

How to use

  • We recommend taking 20 tablets twice daily (total 40 tablets): once in the morning before breakfast and once in the evening prior to sleeping. Each tablet is 250mg (a quarter or a gram). 
  • Skipping a meal? Temporarily sustain the nutritional needs of your body with 20 tablets of spirulina and a glass of water or fruit juice.

Spirulina Tablets-



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